International Advocate for Peace (IAP) Award
Each year, the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution presents the International Advocate for Peace (IAP) Award to an individual, organization, or group that is exemplary in the field of conflict resolution.
Past Awards
Dr. Richard N. Haass: Twenty-Third Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2024
Gloria Steinem: Twenty-Second Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2023
William Ury: Twenty-First Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2022
Sir Paul McCartney: Nineteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2019
Leymah Gbowee: Eighteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace, 2018
Rajiv Shah: Seventeenth Annual International Advocate for Peace, 2017
Benjamin B. Ferencz: Sixteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2016
Peter, Paul and Mary: Fifteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2015
Honorable Daniel Weinstein: Fourteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2014
President Jimmy Carter: Thirteenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2013
John Marks: Twelfth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2012
Abigail Disney: Eleventh Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2011
Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat: Tenth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2010
Amira Dotan: Ninth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2009
Professor Jeffrey Sachs: Eighth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2008
Ambassador Dennis Ross: Seventh Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2007
Betty Kaari Murungi: Sixth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2005
Eve Ensler: Fifth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2004
Archbishop Desmond M. Tutu: Fourth Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2003
President William Jefferson Clinton: Second Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2001
Richard C. Holbrooke: First Annual International Advocate for Peace Award, 2000